The Importance of Good Design

Laurel Naylor
3 min readDec 9, 2020


Do not underestimate the importance of good design. While many designs go unnoticed, the power of a great design can be monumental in how something is read, noticed, or perceived. Design is everywhere, so creating something perfect and eye-catching leads to more heads being turned, and more eyes staying on your design. Good design is important in things such as subway maps and signage, an effective logo that draws more people, and creating something that people want to look at.

For instance, Yellow Tail Wine has a killer design. They wanted their packaging to be friendly, and grabbable, while also being eclectic and quality.

Their typography is fun and creative, and their illustration is fun and enjoyable to look at. The colors that they use work together as a cohesive brand, yet nod to the different types of wine that they are paired with. They succeeded in their attempt to be approachable too. Their good design has led them to be one of the most popular wines in the United States, even though they’re an Australian brand!

Another brand that I love is Uber. Their design is effective, clean, and accessible. They are a very successful company, pointing toward how great their design is, with a very well thought out, cohesive brand.

They created a brand that was simplistic, modern, and created a sense of professionalism to the thought of being driven around in someone’s personal car. They used an easy to read accessible font, and had to think about the User Interface (UI), when using their app and website. Their attention to detail is great, and they had to think about how both ends of the company work- both passengers and drivers, and how both of those interface with their app. All of these design aspects has created this successful brand, that is accessible, and easy to use.

Good design is essential in creating a brand that stands out, and draws attention. It makes the audience want whatever you are trying to sell, get them to use, or to remember your information. Designers solve creative problems, and strive to create the best user experience possible. They make a cohesive brand, and create interest in what is being promoted through typography, hierarchy, color, and many more design aspects. The job of the designer is not easy, and is an uphill battle to a successful design. Good design is important to virtually everything, and surrounds us everyday.

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Laurel Naylor
Laurel Naylor

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